From ivy leagues to local community colleges, more and more schools are offering international business programs. Globalization has made international business an opportunity-filled career path, and we want to let you in on it.
But, don’t jump in right yet. Today, we’ll be showcasing some of the actual jobs that are secured after graduating with an international business degree.
Global Entrepreneur
Let’s start off strong with one of our favorite career paths. A global entrepreneur is someone who transforms an unique idea into a full-blown business that operates beyond boundaries. An example would be starting your very own eCommerce business!
Logistics Analyst
Logistics analysts oversee a business’s supply chain processes and actively work to improve a business’s efficiency and profit margins.
Compliance Analyst
Compliance analysts research, analyze, and communicate compliance requirements to upper management. Their end goal is to help a business avoid legal and regulatory compliance-related issues.
Customs Entry Writer
Another career related to helping businesses stay out of trouble is customs entry writing. Custom entry writers identify the goods that are being transported and then compile all required paperwork so that products can be shipped smoothly.
Supply Chain Manager
Supply chain managers are responsible for overseeing and coordinating all activities involved for a business’s product or products. This means overseeing the initial raw product purchase all the way up to the final delivery of finished goods.
Quality Systems Auditor
Quality systems auditors are in charge of producing testing parameters and procedures so that products or services can be appropriately tested for quality control purposes.
International Trade Specialist
International trade specialists use statistics and trends to guide businesses who want to expand into the uncertain global market.
Commodity Specialist
Commodity specialists are in charge of purchasing raw materials and other commodities for businesses at the most optimal prices.
Stockbrokers use their knowledge of stocks to execute orders in the stock market on behalf of their clients.
Business Lawyer
An international business lawyer educates clients as well as defends them if any legal trouble shows up.
Import/Export Agent
This career path is responsible for managing and organizing international shipments. They’re also responsible for guiding businesses through the international shipping process.
Management Analyst
Management analysts crunch numbers and look at trends to recommend ways to improve a business’s overall efficiency and profitability.
International Economist
People who work as international economists have a deep understanding of international trade and the various impacts of globalization on businesses. Economists may work in an advisory position for businesses or government bodies.
Marketing Manager
Every business needs marketing. Marketing managers build business awareness by developing and executing strategies to meet consumer needs and maximize profits.
There’s More Out There: We Can Help You Explore
An international business degree can offer you a mountain of opportunity, and we’ve only scratched the surface. Want to learn more about what’s out there? Our Global Trade Career can help you prepare and feel more confident. It spans many industries and is designed to help you understand the facets of opportunities in international business, marketing, and trade. Read our Career Guide today! You can also check out the latest career listings in international business on this website.